

Indecision, fear and doubt are inter-related. Wherever there is one, the other two follow.

The ability to make a decision is likely one of the most important facets of becoming an adult.
Life is full of choices. Everyday we are faced with options for just about everything we do.
During the decision-making process our imagination calculates a series of probable outcomes for each choice. Since many results of a choice cannot be foreseen, these imaginations have a tendency to be negative…they pull from a reservoir of disappointments in our memory. Often we make current decisions based on past experiences. For lack of confidence that our choices will produce positive results…we allow doubt to creep in. Let me repeat doubt = lack of confidence.
Doubt is rooted in fear. Being afraid of the outcome of a decision can be paralyzing, often leading to a withdrawal of action. What people don’t realize is that indecision is actually a decision. It is a decision to do nothing. A person who won’t make up their mind is automatically displacing the decision into the hands of their environment. Eventually the world and other people will make a choice for us, if we do not make a decision ourselves.
Example: a person is presented with 2 doors. Behind one door is a positive outcome and behind the other door is a negative outcome. If the person is indecisive and does not open either door, then they have CHOSEN not to open the doors. See a decision does still occur. So then there may be consequences of not opening either door. There is always that extra option available…the option to do nothing. We refer to this as “riding the fence”.
Riding the fence indeed has its consequences…do nothing, say nothing = be nothing.
Of course it is reasonable to be in the middle of a decision temporarily while weighing the options, but the ultimate task is to eventually make a decision. Prolonged indecision becomes a habit and a pattern of idleness, so it is wise to place deadlines on our choices, before the consequence of doing nothing arrives.
Inability to make a decision spills into other areas of our character such as responsibility and accountability. People who don’t make up their mind are unreliable to do what they say they’re going to do, because they wait for an event or the right feeling to make a decision for them. They are non-committal often saying things like, “we’ll wait and see” instead of saying, “sure you can count on me”. They aren’t sure of themselves and therefore ineffective leaders.

People are naturally selfish and lazy. Most of our decisions revolve around this nature.
We choose selfishly in favor of that which will give us the greatest amount of pleasure OR the least amount of pain. Laziness causes us to choose the shortcut; the easy way with the least amount of effort.
Back to lacking confidence…this is what limits trust and assurance to take risks.
We fear that we might lose something…or that we might miss out on something…we fear that our decision might injure our finances, reputation, or credibility. We fear failure. We fear regret.
Is it now obvious how indecision is connected to fear and doubt?
To overcome this takes strength.
Confidence comes with making decisions regardless of the outcome and if we make a poor choice, then learn from the mistake and choose better next time.
We have to take the bad with the good.
Confidence is the equivalent of having faith in our self, faith in people, and faith in the world.
Fear is the opposite of faith.
Risk is full of fears, anxiety, worry and doubt.
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Because decision-making is faith based, people will lose faith in those who don’t know what they want or won’t make up their mind. People tend to follow someone with a sense of purpose. Something done on purpose is a premeditated decision! Making sense? Decision-makers are leaders. Who wants to follow someone who is constantly changing his or her mind about which direction to go? We want consistency and persistency in our leaders, friends, lovers, etc. We want to know that we can count on them. Beyond making a decision it takes discipline to follow through with our choices…that is a sign of maturity.

When we have that conviction of “nothing to lose”, that is when we agree that the very least we can gain a learning experience making us stronger.
This helps us to understand that cliché “Once you lose everything, then you can have anything!”
It is true, because once we have lost everything, then we no longer fear what we could lose by taking risks. It is only through the risks of our decisions that we can become prosperous or experience the best pleasures.
We don’t need to lose everything though. We just need this type of mindset that it doesn’t matter what we lose or miss out on, because the goal is the decision not the outcome!
We need to make bad decisions sometimes, so we recognize them and correct our habits so that we eventually start making more and more right decisions.
The point is to MAKE A DECISION.
Assume that everything will always work in your favor, even if the immediate outcome appears negative.
Make up your mind and proceed without looking back!
Never look back. It only creates regret “wish I woulda shoulda coulda”.
Regret is the same as feeling sorry for our selves and that is the opposite of confidence.
A confident person lives with their decisions.
Decisions are life.
Indecision is not living.

Kasey Cole Braun


If there is any area of your life where you are miserable or failing, here are the reasons why...
you are comfortable
that is it!
a rut, a routine, a complacent, monotonous, repetitive existence
oh change is occurring alright, but it is the environment around you changing...moving, shifting, closing in on you...
you stopped growing...
you settled...
set in your ways...
you make decisions based on convenience...
you are comfortably numb!
miserable, but it's not bad enough to do something about it!
in order to grow, you must streeeeeeeeeeeetch yourself
there must be constant experiments if you wish to be innovative with your life
the cutting edge...it's out there...the fringe where you fear to venture
that edge is risk!
your comfort zone is your failure zone
you must change!
you must evolve!
you must metamorphis!
from the inside out!
get out of your self-made box!
shed your skin!
everything in life is either growing or decaying
nothing else!
you may think stagnant is somewhere inbetween!
that is decay also, because it is perishing from within! Rotting!

the key to your future can be found in your daily habits
if you continue your habits now for the next five years, you will only have more of what you already got!!!
now what are you gonna do today to make yourself uncomfortable?
if you can't think of anything or don’t start doing those things, then welcome to the rest of your life!
bite the bullet and swallow hard coz it doesn't get any better than this!
Look in the eyes of those who have let their dream get extinguished.
What do you see but someone who has died in their spirit and only waiting for their body to catch up!
undo the trap you set for yourself...NOW!!!
Do not wait for the right time, the right place, the right feeling, the right mood, and never wait for someone else to act first!

Kasey Cole Braun
May 2007

The Answer Is Always Right In Front Of You

The answer is always right in front of you

it always is

but we aren't looking!

we want to find solutions within the familiar

we want to find it in places we've always known

we resist change

we resist BEING changed

we want comfort...we want convenience!
the path of least resistance

the future is easily predicted
for those who repeat the same patterns!

but that does not grow our spirit

that does not streeeeetch you!

someone walks into our life

they think differently, they challenge us to defend what we are made of

they probably contradict everything we always believed to be true

but they have a different truth

embrace them

learn from them


adjust your mind into an open learning position
or the world will automatically program your mind for you
and the world will always program your life too small
constricted, stagnant and decay!

there is something to learn from everyone
especially from those who bring you love...they will give acceptance for who you are and inspire you to become better!

Kasey Cole Braun



The best things in life come by taking a chance...
Putting yourself out there
When everything is at stake
When the core of you is on the line
When you are most vulnerable
When you feel weak
We build this wall around ourselves to protect our assets...to keep out the bad…to keep negative effects from happening
But that wall also prevents the good from getting thru
We have to let down our guard
We have to deal with the disappointments
We have to keep our heart soft while maintaining a thick skin
We have to keep moving to stay alive!
Fear is the opposite of faith
Risk is full of fears, anxiety, worry and doubt
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen
Believe in yourself
Believe in the power of mind over matter
Don't look at the damn obstacles
Know what you want and stop at nothing to get it!
Swallow your pride
Take a beating, fall down and scuff your chin
Don't be concerned about the scratches along the way
Learn from your setbacks
Don't lay there and wet on yourself
Get back up and charge forward!
Dig yourself out of the hole and climb to the surface again!
Hit the ground running!
Then when the good happens to you, you will know you deserved it!
You earned it!
Serendipity will attack you!
And remember...fortune will almost always come from a place you least expect it...luck will have no apparent connection to your struggle.
It just arrives!
Only wimps sit there and blame their circumstances.
They blame other people and think someone else owes them
No one owes us anything
It just is the way it is
No one is exempt from a hard life
It's just harder for those who don't evolve or improve themselves
Survival of the fittest
It's natural selection
We came into this life with nothing and we only leave with our character
What are you made of?
What is your resolve?
If you think you have to take from someone else or compromise your morals to get ahead...you're wrong
The only important thing we gain from this life is the self-respect of nobility
And don't be an arrogant pious jerk, when you get there
Turn to your neighbor and be some serendipity in their life!
That is what makes one superior!
That is what earns admiration and appreciation from everyone else
That is how I want to meet you
While you are pursuing of excellence

~ Kasey Cole Braun


How To Be Cool

So my kids were asking me how they could be cool? Heck I’m not cool! And I don’t even KNOW anyone cool! How do I tell them what to do? I felt the instinctive need to give them fatherly advice though…but all I got is THEORY hahaha! I couldn’t just let them walk away empty handed, so I reacted quickly, shot from the hip…
Maybe I stumbled upon something that was common sense in my brain all along…something that began to make sense the more I elaborated with them…it became a lecture of sorts important for their development…an epiphany…a realization…an illuminating discovery…I guess if we don’t learn by experience, then we have to learn by observation…

I figured I would start with telling them how to be an OUTSTANDING PERSON in general…and talk about what is NOT cool…then build a case from there…
Being cool is NOT conforming or fitting in…it is better to be unique and different.
Being cool is NOT flattering others to make them like you, as that is insincere.
Being cool is NOT being a know-it-all or bragging or showing off, as that is immature, attention-seeking behavior. It’s not good to bait people for compliments or look for their approval.
Being cool is NOT being popular or widely accepted by a majority of people based on our reputation. Because reputation is merely an opinion of what people THINK we are. And unless they know you for who you REALLY are, then their admiration of you is only temporary and will fade as soon as the spotlight moves to another person. Some people will attach themselves to a popular person just because association with the popular person makes them feel popular themselves. It is better to be surrounded by people who like you FOR YOU! A handful of true friendships is far better than a crowd of conditional admirers.

So what is "cool"?
What is it that makes someone the kind of person that EVERYONE wants to be around?
I told my kids it boils down to these categories:


A confident person is sure of his or her self worth, they believe in their own abilities and assume they have something to offer others. They know that they are inherently good, regardless of flaws or imperfections. They have optimistic expectations about people and situations.
Instead of beating themselves up mentally over downfalls, they constantly reaffirm their OWN self-esteem anyway. You must first love yourself, before you can be healthy and capable of loving others. Caution though, that there is a fine line between being confident and being vain. Here is a list of traits with confidence in the middle with the extremes above & below.

Vanity: Thinks only of self in superficial positive
Confidence: Other centered
Weak: Thinks only of self in negative

Vanity: Haughty, proud, sense of superiority
Confidence: Realizes no one is better than anyone else; some are simply privileged with blessings
Weak: Feels badly about self

Vanity: Takes all the credit
Confidence: Realizes that no one gets anywhere without support and teamwork
Weak: Blames others for faults (character flaw) or over-blames self for faults (neurosis)

Vanity: Arrogant, conceited, and exaggerates their own self-worth
Confidence: Has a sense of modesty and humility
Weak: Self-loathing

Vanity: Condescending and pretentious
Confidence: Uplifts and encourages others
Weak: Seeks sympathy, begs for praise, and fishes for compliments

Vanity: Overbearing and aggressive
Confidence: Enduring patience and without resentment
Weak: Timid, shy, bashful

Vanity: Sense of superiority
Confidence: Realizes we are all created equal with equal rights
Weak: Feels of low value, inferior, unimportant

Merged with confidence is self-sufficiency and being independent. According to author David DeAngelo, “Independent is the OPPOSITE of ‘dependent’. When you act ‘dependent’, you lean on others, you look to them for approval, you ask what they think, before you make a decision, you tend to want to stay physically close to them, and your feelings tend to depend on what others feel and think of you. When you act INDEPENDENT, you lean back, you do things because YOU decided you wanted to, you don't ask others what they think - instead you decide yourself, you are fine walking away from your friends for awhile when you're out, and your feelings are controlled by what YOU think, not what others think. A "dependent" person will get upset easily about things that others say, and constantly be looking for attention and approval in some way. An INDEPENDENT person, on the other hand, will be more likely to... walk away and look around the place ALONE to see who's there - and feel fine about leaving their friends for awhile and striking up a conversation with a stranger... They'll be cool and calm no matter what happens - even if others are getting upset around them... And, most importantly, they aren't looking to others for attention and approval. They're doing their own thing, and enjoying whatever happens.”

According to David DeAngelo “Most people are ATTACHED to the outcomes of things. They're constantly worrying about what's going to happen... and talking about the future in a fearful, uncertain way. This type of person always wants to know what other people think of them, and they're worrying about what they should do so other people will like them. Unfortunately, this almost ALWAYS comes across as INSECURITY. An indifferent person, on the other hand, just goes about life and takes things as they come. The indifferent person doesn’t worry about the outcome of whatever situation they're in. No big deal. When you are ATTACHED to the outcome of a situation, it makes you act all kinds of freaky. You pause, act nervous, hold back, look for approval, act insecure... and any of 100 other unattractive things.
On the other hand, when you're indifferent to the outcome, it makes you magnetic! Indifference is the ultimate way to show a LACK of insecurity in life.”

Don’t gossip, criticize, condemn or complain. No one likes a complainer. If you have a grievance, offer a solution along with your dissent, otherwise it comes across as whining. Don’t ever seek pity. Broadcasting your troubles to the public with a “whoa is me” mentality repels people. Don’t hang your emotions out there for everyone else to see. Show some restraint. Control your moods and tempers. Train your mind to be positive and optimistic. If you really need comfort or advice though, reserve the deeply wounded problems to discuss with those closest to you, who can give unconditional support. The key is knowing the difference between dumping on someone for attention versus confiding in someone who can actually help your cause. However, do be empathetic, sensitive and understanding with those who seek your sympathy anyway. This is the paradox of being other-centered and being a bigger person.

A sense of humor is powerful. Laughter goes with happiness. When we laugh, it triggers positive feelings and makes us feel good inside. People crave that feeling and if you can give it to them, then you make their day better. But a sense of humor starts inside… you have to be light-hearted with your own shortcomings; be able to laugh at yourself, that way you don’t take criticism personally. When people tease you or give you a hard time, give it back harder!
If you're not naturally funny, it's a great skill to learn. Read books. Watch live comedy. Do whatever it takes to learn how to be funny. It’s about bringing a laugh or a smile in a timely moment. This skill takes an awareness of your audience, what they find funny and what they find appropriate. But more importantly, humor can be personal and others don’t even need to know what you find funny in a given situation. Just keep yourself laughing and smiling : ).
A sense of humor is a mastery of emotions. Controlling your happiness is just as important as controlling your sadness. Here are some guidelines for emotional management.

Crying is acceptable for
1.Legitimate physical pain
2.Mourning – the loss or absence of a loved one
3.Lamenting – sorrow for someone else’s loss or suffering
4.Remorse – sincere regret for doing wrong
5.Gratefulness & joy – expressing heartfelt appreciation
6.Emotional awe – enthusiasm for a highlight in life (i.e.: wedding day, birth of a child, a sentimental gesture)

Crying is unacceptable for
1.Self pity - feeling sorry for your self
2.Disappointment - Just because something didn’t go your way
3.Pouting - as a manipulation to gain sympathy or attention
4.Extended sadness – do not dwell on emotional pain, it leads to the bondage of depression

Dealing with anger…
According to The Other Side of Love by Gary Chapman, there are 2 types of anger. Definitive anger and distorted anger.

Definitive Anger – valid anger caused by injustice or mistreatment.
1.Acknowledge to yourself that you are angry
2.Restrain your immediate response
3.Locate the focus of your anger
A. Was it the person’s intention to hurt you?
B. How serious was the offense?
C. Is this issue related to a past event?
D. Is this anger influenced by other issues?
4.Analyze your options
A. Confront, reconcile, and FORGIVE
B. Overlook the offense, release it to God/karma
5.Take constructive action

Distorted Anger – invalid anger caused by disappointment, unfulfilled desire, frustration, or tiredness
1.Share information – tell the other person about the concern in a noncondemning way
2.Gather information – do you have all the facts?
3.Negotiate understanding – open honesty
Express struggles in a nonthreatening manner
LISTEN to the other person’s response
4.Request change – most people will respond to your request, if you neither demand nor manipulate for the change

Being able to relate well to others and make them comfortable around you is probably the MOST important part of being cool. Be aware of what’s going on around you. Watch how others dress, carry themselves, walk, and talk. Pay attention to little details... If you can first get yourself to the place, where other people want to be around you just because they enjoy your company, you'll find building friendships to be a lot easier.
Don’t put people down. Be an uplifter of spirits, offer encouragement…find things to like about others, be a good listener and take a genuine interest IN THEM…and they will usually automatically like you in return. “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
To retain your uniqueness, be a trendsetter not a trend follower.
Don’t worry about having all the coolest possessions, the coolest car, or any fashionable materialism…these things are superficial and aren’t a reflection of who you are.
Buy what you can afford, don’t flaunt your belongings and don’t be greedy…be a person who gives and shares. But be careful not to “buy favor” or give away too much, where people take advantage of you. Pull back, if you notice others begin to EXPECT you to cover their slack. Serve others and don’t take advantage of their good graces either. Don’t worry about having the coolest clothes, just take care of yourself, exercise, eat healthy, have good hygiene, and especially don’t have bad breath! Taking care of your self subconsciously communicates that YOU LIKE YOURSELF…
Self-improvement is important. Continue to educate yourself on multiple topics. Take interest in subjects beyond the things you naturally like. Keep an open mind to different foods, styles of music, books, films, social events, and cultures. Broaden your tastes and experiences to make you more interesting, rather than being limited to “the usual.” Loosen up, be carefree and silly…don’t be afraid to be yourself. “It’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” Have an opinion and be able to express it with passion. This will give you charisma…a magnetic charm and appeal. Enthusiasm is contagious! You can learn something from other beliefs and cultures. Partake in new and unfamiliar social settings often. You don’t necessarily have to fit in, but get exposed to multiple ranges of ideas and lifestyles. Honor differences while embracing what you have in common. Build a bridge to understand other people, especially those you interact with on a regular basis. Being prejudice and judgmental is foolish; instead explore the background to what makes other groups unique. Step into their point of view and compromise when necessary, where the outcome can benefit all sides.
Serve people…find their need and fill it!

For people to like you, you must meet certain needs:
1. General Needs are belonging, competence, and worthiness.
2.Emotional & Physical Needs (5 love languages by Gary Chapman)
A. Quality time
B. Positive affirmation (compliments)
C. Acts of service
D. Physical touch
E. Gifts
3.Temperament needs (Your Personality Tree by Florence Littauer)
A. Directors need achievement & appreciation
B. Producers need order & sensitivity
C. Performers need attention & approval
D. Observers need respect & worth

Even though people may like you, because you met a need, doesn’t mean they will necessarily want to follow you. To be a leader you must earn respect. Raising the level of friendship to respect requires the following:

1.Making sound decisions (not letting emotions control our choices)
2.Admitting mistakes (honesty to others and our self)
3.Placing what’s best for others ahead of our own personal agenda
4.Accountability & dependability (keeping our word, fulfilling promises)
5.Standing up for what we believe, even if others disagree
6.Keeping calm, when challenges arise (level headed)
7.Treating others with kindness, regardless of their benefit to us
8.Accepting input from others (willing to learn from outside our self)
9.Humility (not being conceited or too good for someone else)
10.Positive mental attitude

Yes, it is shallow…when the surface of a person portrays one thing, but a deeper investigation exposes absolutely no evidence of substantial backing! It is pretense...it is facade, an artificial and deceptive front...it is a mask, and saying what someone wants to hear in order to satisfy their own agenda...They are posers...pretenders...fakers...users...takers...(all talk and no walk!) ...building of a genuine friendship requires the earning of trust and respect...and forgiving, when someone lets us down. Begin each day with a fresh slate; however, set your standards, so that no one treats you like a doormat. THOSE IN YOUR LIFE SHOULD BE WORKING HARD TO EARN YOUR RESPECT JUST AS MUCH AS YOU ARE EARNING THEIRS.

Is this all there is to being cool? Probably not, but we couldn’t go too far wrong with a foundation like this right?


talk louder
talk faster
walk faster
make a habit of looking people in the eye
hold your head high
give a firm handshake
take good care of your appearance
speak up as if you know what you are talking about, even if you have doubt
don't be self-conscious. think about the other person instead
be a listener
ask questions about them
answer their questions with a return question
the person who is asking questions in a conversation is in control of the conversation
the person who returns questions is your equal
make the other person feel good about their self
and they will automatically like you.
you don't have to try to impress
flattery gets you nowhere
be sincere with your compliments
don't brag about your own accomplishments
be genuinely interested in others
there is always something to like about everybody

act as if you are sure of yourself and you eventually will be
you are what you think you are
if you don't like yourself, then change what you are saying ABOUT YOU in your head...
you are an amazing person and you know it!

no pity parties
no begging for sympathy
no wearing your emotions on your sleeve
no "whoa is me"
stop that self-loathing nonsense
it's not attractive
it's immature
it's selfish thinking about your own shortcomings, failures and misery...
stop complaining
be solution minded
kick ass and take names
rise above your circumstances
improvise, adapt, and overcome

- Kasey Cole Braun


The Earth Where I Live

the earth where I live
is taking a shower right now
the soil greeting raindrops
with sponge-like embrace
as I sit here next to a vanilla candle
the flame flickering
as the wind whispers nothing
thru the open window
the music of nature's activity
is silenced by the dominant sounds
rhythm of colliding leaves
precipitation pelting everything in it's path
the rumble of dancing clouds
the breeze feels so refreshing
the smell of spring in the air
converting to summer's promise
as I run, the river runs heavy
the wolf looked up toward me
a sigh in his voice
the birds are staying indoors
for a late night communion
as tomorrow they feast
when the vegetation gives birth
to critters and slithering creatures
that speckle the inches between life
and more life
the flowers will open their eyes
to the morning sun
and grin
for they know their fate
is destiny of fragrance
and visual appeal
tonight I am thankful
for the serenity
of falling sky

~ Kasey Cole Braun

You Have To Begin With The End In Mind

The pilot light blew out again; I can smell it
Blue moons endlessly piling up next to the trash can
My house is full of cigar smoke...and bad breath
There's no comfort for this heat wave...just like hell
The man upstairs is on another drinking binge
Perhaps He'll come down and save the world with his computer
Prophecies must be fulfilled eventually...
Eventually the world ends with the beginning in mind
The workstation had no power for a while; we broke bread instead
I couldn't think of anything better to do, so I balanced the finances
The night before I killed a spider creeping along the file cabinet
Today its mate bit my girlfriend thrice
On the ankle, on the wrist, on the fist
To my surprise I caught the wolf drinking from the toilet bowl
He must be dehydrated after ripping a hole in the screen door
Pestilence arrives unannounced everyday between dusk and lunch
An army of ants digging tunnels thru the sugar shaker
But they are good at cleaning up their own mess
This cycle always repeats itself
Because no one is thinking ahead
You have to begin with the end in mind

~ Kasey Cole Braun


Being Alive

Death is not sad. What is sad is the people who do
n't really live. Chase your dreams with wild abandon, let go of negative attachments, master your habits, tame your ego, believe in your self, get back up when you fall, face what you fear the most, get out of your comfort zone frequently, stretch yourself beyond your own self-imposed limitations, the most important experience is NOW, so be happy in it, don't worry about the future and don't regret the past, enjoy every moment of the journey and love what you do, meet new people often and love everyone you meet by serving them...there is no higher purpose. -Kasey Cole Braun

If You're Going To Try

If you're going to try,
go all the way.
don't even start.
This could mean losing friends,
And maybe your mind.
It could mean not eating for three or four days.
It could mean freezing on a park bench.
It could mean jail.
It could mean derision.
It could mean mockery, isolation.
Isolation is the gift.
All the others are a test of your endurance.
Of how much you really want to do it.
And you'll do it, despite rejection in the worst odds.
And it will be better than anything else you can imagine.
If you're going to try, go all the way.
There is no other feeling like that.
You will be alone with the gods.
And the nights will flame with fire.
You will ride life straight to perfect laughter.
It's the ONLY good fight there is.

~ Charles Bukowski

Repair The World

After any great trauma...any crisis...
After the shock subsides and the nerves stop twitching.
You settle down to the new condition of things,
because you know that all possibility of any more change
has been used up!
You see the pattern finally...because you stepped back
far enough to see the whole picture.
But it's too late now to do anything but accommodate yourself to it.
And that's it.
There's nothing left to do
or say
that God and nothing have a lot in common.
The end.

What you don't know...
is that you're wrong!

Every event has unforeseen and unknowable implications, and that all actions and all persons are connected to other actions and other persons.
People's actions influence the fates of others.
What you do affects me. What I do affects you.
We are all responsible for our time here.
Do not waste it.
Stop looking for the meaning of your life.
Invent it. Create it.
Give life some of your own meaning...for yourself...and for others.
Make an impact.
Your existence matters to everyone.
Have the strength to overcome your own self-reflection.
If you aren't on a path of improvement, then you are stagnant with potential for decay.
Slowly rotting from the inside.
Willfully transcend the events of your decisions with a positive attitude to find truth in them.
And that my friends, is how you recover from the tragedy of disappointment.

~ Kasey Cole Braun